CAPTAIN- Manlio DiRocco a.k.a MANLION
CO-CAPTAIN- Ricky DiRocco a.k.a. SPEEDY
Christian Flynn a.k.a. ELTON
Chris Eakens a.k.a GRIM
Carl Ciampanelli a.k.a JR
Carl DeVellis
Shayne Dyer a.k.a Shayner
William Plouff a.k.a Ploof (Pod Boy)
Team Photographer Zach Lowe (BEANER)
"we got the skillz, we got the smarts, we got the guns, but most of all we got the ambition and determination to succeed."
Sponsered By Paintball supply shack
and http://www.paintballshowcase.com
Redz international

and AnsGear

We got together over the summer. We took 5th at NEPL D5. We expect to play in many 3 and 5 man rookie fox4 tournaments and the remaining NEPL events. We hope to (by the end of the season) play novice 5man NEPL. Check out some videos of tournaments, practices, and woodsball matches on the media page.
Paintball Defined
Most people think that paintball isn't a sport. That it requires no skill at all. Its pointless and stupid, and anyone can do it… obviously they have never played. The definition of a sport is Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively. Well think of it this way, if you have never played paintball let me try and explain it to you- Your getting ready, you got your barrel on the net behind you, the ref is counting down and you got a million things going through your mind of what you think you should do, but once that ref says go, it all stops. All that is left is pure instinct and determination you run as fast as you can while dodging objects flying at you at 300 feet per second, you have 20 pounds of gear in your hands and strapped to your body. You slide on the cold hard ground and immediately your adrenaline starts pumping. Your heart starts racing but your head is focused. It doesn't matter that your girlfriend left you or that you failed that test yesterday, or got fired from your job. Cuz all you care about is playing that game and winning that match. Believe it or not there are a strict set of rules and guidelines for paintball, there is a score system and there is definitely competitive ness, oh but no no no paintball isn't a sport how could it be there's no net, no bat, no puck, no touchdown. Paintball isn't just a sport it's a lifestyle. Its what makes us unique, we don't do what we are told we tell what we did. We coach our self's and buy our own gear. It's hard to explain to people why us ballers do what we do. But it's easy for us. We do it cuz we can, cuz we want, and cuz it's our life. And even when you lose in this game, you win. Because you learn from your mistakes and no matter what you still got to spend time with the people you care for. The few people who would literally take a shot for you and stand beside you, and in front of you, and behind you.
So it doesn't matter if your stuck explaining the fat welt on the side of your neck or that your tired or hungry. And every baller asks themselves. Why do I do this? Why the travel, why the losses and the incomplete schoolwork? The hours of practice and the complaining girlfriend? Because the lure of living the paintball life is to potent, and the products of the road and the travel and new people you meet and things that you do are memories that will last forever. At tournaments, it feels like, for once, you are able to live as loud as you want. It's worth the sacrifices, it's worth all the bullsh*t. Because if you work hard enough a Sunday will roll around and you will be in the huddle, screaming with your hand in, one among seven playing for the world title. And suddenly, all those people who don't understand and don't appreciate the sport don't matter, and you are defined. You say it to yourself and it means everything. I am a paintball player, and this moment, right here, is my life.